Em algum momento da nossa vida, um livro ou um filme nos fez subir em um trem luxuoso. Assassinato no Expresso do Oriente, de Agatha Christie; Trem de Istambul e Viagens com Minha Tia, de Graham Greene e Da Rússia com Amor, de Ian Fleming, são alguns dos romances que têm como cenário o Expresso do Oriente.
Expresso do Oriente
Para subir neste trem é preciso pagar entre US$ 10 mil e US$ 15,6 mil (aproximadamente R$ 19 mil e R$ 29 mil). Apesar dos preços salgados, o clássico itinerário segue despertando paixões. A prova: já não há bilhetes para as viagens previstas para 2012 e 2013.
Paixão pela paisagem
Interior de um vagão do Oriente Express.
A Escócia e o norte da Espanha são dois lugares da Europa que se destacam por sua bela paisagem e se tornam ainda mais atraentes diante da possibilidade de serem contemplados a partir da cabine de um trem.O Royal Scotsman adentra nas Highlands escocesas enquanto seus 36 passageiros relaxam no ambiente íntimo e acolhedor de seus vagões decorados ao estilo dos anos 1920.
Interior do Royal Scotsman
O tour clássico dura cinco dias e parte de Edimburgo percorrendo o nordeste da Escócia, com visitas aos castelos Ballindalloch e Glamis e uma degustação de uísque na destilaria Glen Ord. Uma cabine dupla no Royal Scotsman custa cerca de US$ 7 mil (aproximadamente R$ 13 mil).
The Royal Scotsman express
A travessia, que dura oito dias, percorre os trilhos paralelos ao mar e cruza florestas, vales e montanhas, algumas tão espetaculares como os Picos da Europa, nas Astúrias. Além disso, o turista poderá conhecer as principais cidades da Cornisa Cantábrica e descobrir a rica e variada gastronomia dessa região do norte do país. A viagem em uma suíte dupla de luxo sai por cerca de US$ 10 mil (quase R$ 19 mil).
Descobrindo os Andes
Hiram Bingham
Vagões do Hiram
Os vagões azuis e dourados cruzam os cultivos em terraços de Jaquijahuana, o povoado de Ollantaytambo, no Vale Sagrado dos Incas, e a impressionante cidade de Machu Picchu, reconhecida como patrimônio cultural e natural da Humanidade pela Unesco. Chegar à cidade perdida dos incas com o luxo desse trem custa US$ 300 por pessoa (cerca de R$ 570).
Por sua vez, o trem russo Golden Eagle faz a famosa rota transiberiana entre Moscou e Vladivostok desde 2007. Uma travessia que dura 15 dias, percorre 9,5 mil quilômetros e obriga os passageiros a mudarem a hora do relógio em até oito ocasiões.
Golden Eagle
Acomodações do Golden Eagle
Os quartos duplos oscilam entre US$ 13 mil e US$ 16 mil (R$ 24 mil e R$ 30 mil, aproximadamente).
Adeus aos safáris
Pride OF Africa
Carro restaurante do Pride OF Africa
Uma aventura de 28 dias, que inclui um voo para visitar a idílica ilha de Zanzibar e um cruzeiro de luxo de três dias pelo Lago Nasser. A cratera Ngorongoro e o Parque Nacional Serengeti, na Tanzânia, os templos de Abu Simbel e os vales dos Reis e das Rainhas, no Egito, são algumas das visitas do itinerário. No Cairo, as Pirâmides e o Museu de Antiguidades fecham com chave de ouro a viagem.
Maharaja's Express
Já o Maharajas' Express quer recuperar a grandeza dos tempos dos marajás e, por isso, não hesita em transformar um de seus carros em suíte presidencial, o maior quarto do mundo ferroviário.
Sua rota clássica de sete dias começa e termina em Nova Délhi e oferece um tour completo pelas muitas faces deste enorme país. Seu aspecto espiritual é revelado na cidade sagrada de Varanasi, nos rituais do Rio Ganges, nos templos hindus de Khajuraho e, claro, no Taj Mahal.
O esplendor imperial deixou sua marca na cidade de Lucknow, conhecida como a Constantinopla da Índia. A natureza exuberante do país é bem representada pelo Parque Nacional de Bandhavgarth.
Imagens: Divilgação operadoras de trem de Luxo.
Editado por Denis Castro
Matéria veiculada na revista ferroviária (sem fotos).
Matter translated to english via googletranslator
At some point in our lives, a book or a movie brought us up in a luxury train. Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie, Istanbul and Train Travel with My Aunt by Graham Greene and From Russia with Love, Ian Fleming, are some of the novels that have been set in the Orient Express.
Stories that were brought to the film showing, in black and white and color, the interior of these luxury cars that seem out of a dream.His first trip took place on October 4, 1883. The Orient Express left Paris to Istanbul. A route traveled by today's Venice Simplon-Orient-Express (VSOE) once a year across seven countries (France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey) in six days. Besides enjoying the stunning landscapes, the traveler will spend the night in Budapest and Bucharest.
To climb on this train you have to pay between $ 10,000 and $ 15,600 (approximately $ 19,000 and $ 29,000). While salt prices, the classic route follows arousing passions. Proof: there are no tickets for the trips planned for 2012 and 2013.
Passion for Landscape
Scotland and northern Spain are two places in Europe that stand out for its beautiful landscape and become even more attractive with the possibility of being included from the cab of a train.
The Royal Scotsman in the Scottish Highlands enters its 36 passengers while relaxing in the warm and intimate atmosphere of their wagons decorated in the style of the 1920s. The classic five-day tour from Edinburgh and touring the north of Scotland, with visits to Glamis Castle and Ballindalloch and a whiskey tasting at the Glen Ord distillery. A double cabin on the Royal Scotsman costs about $ 7,000 (approximately U.S. $ 13 000).
To know Green Spain, nothing better than climbing the Transcantábrico, which this year debuted the Gran Lujo Transcantábrico. This train offers the classic route of Santiago de Compostela to San Sebastian, in pairs beautifully decorated suites and panoramic lounges for the traveler not to miss any detail stunning.
The trip, which lasts eight days, the track runs parallel to the sea and crosses forests, valleys and mountains, some as spectacular as the Picos de Europa, Asturias. In addition, tourists can visit the main cities of the Cantabrian Cornisa and discover the rich and varied cuisine of this region in the north. The trip in a luxury double suite goes for about $ 10,000 (£ 19,000).
Discovering the Andes
The company Orient Express takes luxury to the Andes with the Hiram Bingham train, name of the discoverer of the ruins of Machu Picchu, Cuzco which unites with the lost city of the Incas in three hours. The blue and gold carriages crossing the crops in terraces Jaquijahuana, the town of Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley and the stunning city of Machu Picchu, known as cultural and natural heritage by UNESCO. Reaching the lost city of the Incas with the luxury train that costs $ 300 per person (around $ 570).
In turn, the Golden Eagle Russian train makes the famous Siberian route from Moscow to Vladivostok since 2007. A journey that lasts 15 days, travels 9500 km and requires passengers to change the clock by up to eight occasions.
During these two weeks, travelers will see him pass before their eyes the Urals, the Siberian steppes and broad rivers like the Volga spectacular. Double rooms range between $ 13,000 and $ 16,000 (U.S. $ 24,000 and $ 30,000 approximately).
Goodbye to safaris
The Pride of Africa proposes to enter the African continent without giving up the adventure, but without sacrificing luxury. In its route from Cape Town to Cairo, passing through 12 countries: South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea and Egypt.
A 28-day adventure that includes a flight to visit the idyllic island of Zanzibar and a luxury cruise for three days on Lake Nasser. The Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, the temples of Abu Simbel and the valleys of the Kings and Queens in Egypt are some of the visits on the itinerary. In Cairo, the Pyramids and the Museum of Antiquities close with a flourish the trip.
But the Maharajas' Express wants to recover the greatness of the times of Maharajas and therefore does not hesitate to become one of their cars in the presidential suite, the fourth largest railway in the world.
Its seven-day classic route starts and ends in New Delhi and offers a complete tour of the many faces of this vast country. His spiritual aspect is revealed in the holy city of Varanasi, in the rituals of the Ganges in Hindu temples of Khajuraho, and of course the Taj Mahal.
The imperial splendor left his mark on the city of Lucknow, known as the Constantinople of India. The exuberant nature of the country is well represented by the National Park Bandhavgarth. The accommodation of a couple in this luxurious train fluctuates between $ 6,200 and $ 10,500 (U.S. $ 11,000 and $ 19,000 approximately) - the presidential suite costs $ 17,000 (about U.S. $32 000).
Matter translated to english via googletranslator
At some point in our lives, a book or a movie brought us up in a luxury train. Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie, Istanbul and Train Travel with My Aunt by Graham Greene and From Russia with Love, Ian Fleming, are some of the novels that have been set in the Orient Express.
Stories that were brought to the film showing, in black and white and color, the interior of these luxury cars that seem out of a dream.His first trip took place on October 4, 1883. The Orient Express left Paris to Istanbul. A route traveled by today's Venice Simplon-Orient-Express (VSOE) once a year across seven countries (France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey) in six days. Besides enjoying the stunning landscapes, the traveler will spend the night in Budapest and Bucharest.
To climb on this train you have to pay between $ 10,000 and $ 15,600 (approximately $ 19,000 and $ 29,000). While salt prices, the classic route follows arousing passions. Proof: there are no tickets for the trips planned for 2012 and 2013.
Passion for Landscape
Scotland and northern Spain are two places in Europe that stand out for its beautiful landscape and become even more attractive with the possibility of being included from the cab of a train.
The Royal Scotsman in the Scottish Highlands enters its 36 passengers while relaxing in the warm and intimate atmosphere of their wagons decorated in the style of the 1920s. The classic five-day tour from Edinburgh and touring the north of Scotland, with visits to Glamis Castle and Ballindalloch and a whiskey tasting at the Glen Ord distillery. A double cabin on the Royal Scotsman costs about $ 7,000 (approximately U.S. $ 13 000).
To know Green Spain, nothing better than climbing the Transcantábrico, which this year debuted the Gran Lujo Transcantábrico. This train offers the classic route of Santiago de Compostela to San Sebastian, in pairs beautifully decorated suites and panoramic lounges for the traveler not to miss any detail stunning.
The trip, which lasts eight days, the track runs parallel to the sea and crosses forests, valleys and mountains, some as spectacular as the Picos de Europa, Asturias. In addition, tourists can visit the main cities of the Cantabrian Cornisa and discover the rich and varied cuisine of this region in the north. The trip in a luxury double suite goes for about $ 10,000 (£ 19,000).
Discovering the Andes
The company Orient Express takes luxury to the Andes with the Hiram Bingham train, name of the discoverer of the ruins of Machu Picchu, Cuzco which unites with the lost city of the Incas in three hours. The blue and gold carriages crossing the crops in terraces Jaquijahuana, the town of Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley and the stunning city of Machu Picchu, known as cultural and natural heritage by UNESCO. Reaching the lost city of the Incas with the luxury train that costs $ 300 per person (around $ 570).
In turn, the Golden Eagle Russian train makes the famous Siberian route from Moscow to Vladivostok since 2007. A journey that lasts 15 days, travels 9500 km and requires passengers to change the clock by up to eight occasions.
During these two weeks, travelers will see him pass before their eyes the Urals, the Siberian steppes and broad rivers like the Volga spectacular. Double rooms range between $ 13,000 and $ 16,000 (U.S. $ 24,000 and $ 30,000 approximately).
Goodbye to safaris
The Pride of Africa proposes to enter the African continent without giving up the adventure, but without sacrificing luxury. In its route from Cape Town to Cairo, passing through 12 countries: South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea and Egypt.
A 28-day adventure that includes a flight to visit the idyllic island of Zanzibar and a luxury cruise for three days on Lake Nasser. The Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, the temples of Abu Simbel and the valleys of the Kings and Queens in Egypt are some of the visits on the itinerary. In Cairo, the Pyramids and the Museum of Antiquities close with a flourish the trip.
But the Maharajas' Express wants to recover the greatness of the times of Maharajas and therefore does not hesitate to become one of their cars in the presidential suite, the fourth largest railway in the world.
Its seven-day classic route starts and ends in New Delhi and offers a complete tour of the many faces of this vast country. His spiritual aspect is revealed in the holy city of Varanasi, in the rituals of the Ganges in Hindu temples of Khajuraho, and of course the Taj Mahal.
The imperial splendor left his mark on the city of Lucknow, known as the Constantinople of India. The exuberant nature of the country is well represented by the National Park Bandhavgarth. The accommodation of a couple in this luxurious train fluctuates between $ 6,200 and $ 10,500 (U.S. $ 11,000 and $ 19,000 approximately) - the presidential suite costs $ 17,000 (about U.S. $32 000).
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